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By DeVonna Meyer

DeVonna has spent over 43 years building lifelong relationships in South County and has sold hundreds of homes from San Jose, Morgan Hill, Gilroy, and Hollister Cities.

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What exactly defines affordability in today’s market? As a prospective buyer, it’s crucial to delve deeper into the concept of affordability beyond just the sticker price of a home. Today, I’ll go over the intricacies of finding a home that aligns with both your lifestyle and financial considerations.

Affordability encompasses various factors beyond the initial purchase price. It extends to foreseeing future expenses such as repairs, property taxes, insurance, and maintenance costs. Understanding how a mortgage fits into your overall financial picture is paramount. A general rule suggests that your monthly mortgage payment should not surpass 28% of your monthly income.

Location plays a pivotal role in affordability. While opting for a neighborhood with lower property prices might seem enticing, consider the potential trade-offs, such as longer commutes and higher transportation costs. Additionally, energy-efficient homes, though pricier upfront, can yield long-term savings on utility bills.

Ultimately, affordability isn’t solely dictated by numerical figures; it’s about finding a home that resonates with your financial goals and lifestyle preferences. It’s about investing in a property that serves as a foundation for your future, contributing to your net worth over time.

Whether you’re a first-time buyer or seeking a new property, my team and I are here to assist you in navigating the complexities of the real estate market. Reach out to us via phone, text, or email, and let’s find a home that not only fits your budget but also enhances your quality of life.

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